Electric Blue Color Palette Codes and Combinations

electric blue color schemes

See more color palettes

Electric blue is a color that is part of the great variety of ranges and shades of blue colors that stands out for being more intense and brighter than other shades of this beautiful color.

Differences between royal blue and electric blue

electric blue color palette
monochrome electric blue color palette
royal blue color palette
royal blue color palette

The main difference, as you can see, is that royal blue is much darker and more intense than electric blue.

How to Combine Electric Blue in a Color Palette

Being a bright color, it is recommended to combine it with pastel or light colors such as beige or a shade of pale pink in order to achieve an effective and beautiful contrast in your project.

Despite this, it also goes very well with other types of colors such as black, gray or purple, which makes it a very versatile option for our color palette.

Below we present different color palette ideas with electric blue so you can find that perfect combination.

Ideas to combine electric blue

electric blue and purple
electric blue and purple
electric blue and black
electric blue and black
electric blue and silver
electric blue and silver
electric blue and gold
electric blue and gold
electric blue and yellow
electric blue and yellow
electric blue and fuchsia
electric blue and fuchsia
electric blue and red
electric blue and red
electric blue and beige
electric blue and beige