Gray color palette types, combinations and codes

See more color palettes

The grey color with hexadecimal code #808080 is a neutral color that is part of the pastel color range and is widely used throughout the world of digital design, from fonts to backgrounds, gray is undoubtedly a must-have color in modern design .

In any color palette of an online project there should always be at least two shades of gray to highlight parts of the text, it is common to use a dark gray for headings and a lighter gray for paragraphs. Below you have several combined gray color palettes so you can choose the ideal one for your project.

Monochromatic palettes of gray color ranges and types

Gray, like all colors, has different ranges and tones, some lighter, others darker, mixed with another color, etc. Below are different monochrome palettes of different types of gray colors.

Note: You have more combinations later and remember you can use our color palette generator or color matching tool to find the combination you need for your project.

gray color palette
gray color palette
bluish gray color
bluish gray color
light gray color
light gray color
dark gray color
dark gray color
dark gray color
dark gray color
pearl gray color
pearl gray color
oxford gray color
oxford gray color

Combinations with the color gray

Gray and blue color palette
Gray and blue color palette
Gray and green color palette
Gray and green color palette
Gray and black color palette
Gray and black color palette
Gray and orange color palette
Gray and orange color palette
Gray and Turquoise Color Palette
Gray and Turquoise Color Palette
Gray and red color palette
Gray and red color palette
Gray and beige color palette
Gray and beige color palette
Gray and Pink Color Palette
Gray and Pink Color Palette
Gray and yellow color palette
Gray and yellow color palette