#96305a #b34b73 #765700 #32770e #0fae34 #96305a #7e1746 #a35e17 #ba8e40 #e1a592 #96305a #7f1847 #bf9b5c #beb45d #bd5007 #96305a #7b1344 #00a5e4 #00bfff #9a4ad1 #96305a #9a345e #777330 #78a267 #e5ce7d #96305a #791042 #a19f41 #89c36a #a27a1c See more color palettes The bordeaux color is a dark shade of red, there are many other shades similar to burgundy, among which we can highlight garnet, burgundy, wine, or cherry.
Differences between the color bordeaux, cherry and wine #330000 #62162f #96305a #ca678e #ff9fc5 bordeaux palette
#330000 #62152d #952f57 #ca668b #ff9ec2 #170000 #350a06 #56070c #8f3d38 #cb7169 Ideas to combine the bordeaux color #62162f #96305a #ca678e #b03648 #c85162 bordeaux color combination with garnet
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #ffff00 #ffff6a bordeaux Palette With Yellow
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #2f2c79 #675cb0 bordeaux With Navy Palette
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #e4717a #f5abb0 bordeaux and coral combination
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #e8c39e #f5e1ce bordeaux and beige
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #4c007d #7f00b2 bordeaux and purple
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #433f45 #807b82 bordeaux and gray
#62162f #96305a #ca678e #ff69b4 #ffa8d9 bordeaux and pink