Lilac color palette codes and combinations

lilac color schemes

See more color palettes

The lilac color is a light shade belonging to the range of violet colors with a predominance of white in its composition, which makes it a very interesting pastel color to combine in our designs.

Differences between the color lilac, mauve and lavender

They are three very similar colors, we can differentiate mauve because it is a little lighter than lilac and lavender is a little darker than lilac.

lilac monochrome palette
lilac monochrome palette
lavender color
lavender color
mauve color
mauve color

Ideas to combine the lilac color

lilac and pastel pink
lilac and pastel pink
lilac and blue
lilac and blue
purple and black
Lilac and black combination
lilac and turquoise
lilac and turquoise
lilac and beige
Lilac and Beige Color Palette
lilac and light blue
Lilac and light blue combination
lilac and coral
lilac and coral color palette