
Pastel color palette - hex codes and combinations

All the colors within the chromatic circle have a pastel tone, this is obtained by combining a part of white and another color.

What is a pastel color?

A pastel color is a soft, delicate shade used to create a feeling of calm and relaxation. It is associated with femininity and tranquility and is characterized by soft shades of colors such as pink, blue, green , yellow, brown and violet.

These colors range from light to deep, depending on how much white is mixed with the base color.

Some examples of pastel colors are as follows:

  • White + Yellow = Pale yellow.
  • White + Blue = Sky Blue.
  • White + Greenish Blue = Aquamarine.
  • White + Brown = Ochre.
  • White + Orange = Salmon.
  • White + Black = Grey.

The most used are pink, yellow, blue, green, all of them in a light tone. Below you have several ideas of pastel colors with their respective pastel color codes to use in your favorite tools such as canva, photoshop , figma or word.

pastel palettes
pastel palettes
pastel colours
pastel colours
pastel colors combination
pastel colors combination
range of pastel colors
range of pastel colors
pastel color set
pastel color set

Characteristics that identify pastel colors

Pastel colors share certain characteristics that make them unmistakable, We can highlight the following among their most common properties:

  • They are obtained by mixing white with another color. For example, in painting, a mixture of three parts of white with one part of blue results in a light blue or pastel blue color.

  • Pastel colors have low to medium saturation.

  • We can describe them as: light, washed, neutral or calming.

If you can't find the color you were looking for, you can try our Palette Generator .

Pastel color palette with green

pastel color palette with green
pastel color palette with green
green pastel color palette combination
green pastel color palette combination
pastel color mix with green
pastel color mix with green

Pastel color palette with blue

combination with blue pastel color
combination with blue pastel color
Pastel color palettes with blue
Pastel color palettes with blue
pastel palette with blue
pastel palette with blue

Pastel color palette with purple

palette with pastel purple
palette with pastel purple
pastel purple palette
pastel purple palette
pastel purple and turquoise palette
pastel purple and turquoise palette

Pastel color palette with rose

pastel pink and green palette
pastel pink and green palette
pastel pink and turquoise palette
pastel pink and turquoise palette
pastel color palette with rose
pastel color palette with rose

Pastel color palette with red

red and purple pastel palette
red and purple pastel palette
red and cyan pastel palette
red and cyan pastel palette
pastel color palette with red
pastel color palette with red

Paleta de colores pastel con amarillo

pastel red and yellow palette
pastel red and yellow palette
pastel color palette yellow with purple
pastel color palette yellow with purple
pastel palette with yellow and green
pastel palette with yellow and green

Monochrome Pastel Color Palettes

pastel yellow color palette
pastel yellow color palette
pastel red color palette
pastel red color palette
pastel green color palette
pastel green color palette
pastel blue color palette
pastel blue color palette
pastel turquoise color palette
pastel turquoise color palette
pastel brown color palette
pastel brown color palette
pastel pink color palette
pastel pink color palette
pastel purple color palette
pastel purple color palette