Blue color palette combinations codes and schemes

blue color schemes

See more color palettes

The color blue is a cold tone and if you are thinking of choosing a color palette in shades of blue for your brand, you should know that this color is the most representative and popular on the planet, Throughout our history, different psychological studies have been carried out that show that the color blue inspires feelings of freedom, fidelity, seriousness and loyalty in people. For these reasons it is the favorite color of big brands.

Monochrome palettes of different types and shades of blue color

To choose a color palette you have to take into account the different shades and ranges of a color, you can choose a dark tone or if you prefer to choose a range of pastel colors , then you have different images of monochrome palettes so you can find the color blue that best suits your needs.

Sky Blue Color Palette
Sky Blue color palette
Cobalt Blue Color Palette
Cobalt Blue Color Palette
France Blue Color Palette
France Blue Color Palette
Blue-gray color palette
Blue-gray color palette
indigo blue color palette
indigo blue color palette
Metallic Blue Color Palette
Metallic Blue Color Palette
Dark Blue (Navy) Color Palette
Palette of navy blue (dark)
Royal Blue Color Palette
royal blue color palette
Turquoise Blue Color Palette
Turquoise Blue Color Palette
Blue Green Color Palette
Blue Green Color Palette
Monochrome blue color palette
Monochrome blue color palette
electric blue color palette
monochrome palette of electric blue color

Combinations palettes with blue

There are different combinations composed between the color blue and another color, many of them achieve beautiful and effective contrasts that you can use to give a fresh tone to a design, below you have combined blue color palettes, remember that you can use our palette generator and find more ideas to combine the color blue and all its shades.

Blue and beige color palette
Blue and beige color palette
Blue and gray color palette
Blue and gray color palette
Blue and yellow color palette
Blue and yellow color palette
Blue and magenta color palette
Blue and magenta color palette
Blue and purple color palette
Blue and purple color palette
Blue and orange color palette
Blue and orange color palette
Blue and red color palette
Blue and red color palette
Blue and Pink Color Palette
Blue and Pink Color Palette
Blue and green color palette
Blue and green color palette

More ideas to combine the blue colors

dark blues
dark blue tones
blue color schemes
blue color schemes
Combination shades of blue
Combination shades of blue
blues palette
blues palette
different types of blue color
different types of blue color
More shades of blue
More shades of blue
blue color range
blue color range
complementary colors of blue
complementary colors of blue
analogous colors of blue
analogous colors of blue
triad colors of blue
triad colors of blue