Lavender Color Palette Codes and Combinations

lavender color schemes

See more color palettes

The lavender color is part of the wide variety of tones belonging to the range of purple colors , it stands out for being a little dark but with a certain touch of pastel color.

Differences between the color lavender, lilac and mauve

The three colors are very similar, shades of purple with a tendency towards the range of pastel colors but each one can be easily differentiated as we see in the following comparison

Monochrome Lavender Color Palette
Monochrome Lavender Color Palette
mauve color
mauve color
lilac color palette
lilac color palette

Ideas to combine the lavender color

Magenta and lavender color combination
Magenta and lavender color combination
Lavender and Pink Color Palette
Lavender and Pink Color Palette
cream and lavender
cream color and lavender
Lavender and green color combination
Lavender and green color combination
Lavender With Sky Blue Color Palette
Lavender With Sky Blue Color Palette
lavender and brown
lavender with coffee color