Magenta color palette: Exploring the Fuchsia Spectrum Combinations and Schemes
magenta color schemes
The magenta color is a dark color from the neon color range with a great proximity to red within the chromatic circle, it is quite striking and it is recommended not to abuse its use within your color palette, it is obtained by mixing blue and red . and its html code is #e5097f.
Ideas to combine the magenta color and get a beautiful palette
Find the combinations you need for your project Below are different palettes each with their hex codes to copy directly into your projects.
Tips for combining the color magenta in your color palette
To combine a magenta color palette you must take into account certain color characteristics, for example:
Magenta is a dark and striking color, so it is recommended to combine it with a light color such as beige , to achieve a good contrast in our interface.
You can also combine it with other colors such as blue or red as long as you find a lighter color so as not to saturate the view of our users.
These types of colors that are very striking, we recommend that you select a pastel tone of the color in question, in this case magenta. The pastel tone of magenta is quite beautiful and you can use it for anything from a web page to painting your wall