Palette of brown shades, codes and combinations

brown color schemes

See more color palettes

The brown color with hexadecimal code #8D4925 is a color that is very present in nature, it is not intense or opaque, so we can consider it as a color that can convey different sensations depending on the context in which it is found.

The brown color is traditionally associated with wood, nature and the environment, in this sense of representing the natural it is very similar to green . So if your project has to do with ecology or nature, a combination of both would be ideal.

Palettes of different shades and types of brown color

Below you have different palettes of different shades of brown colors, Choose the one that best suits your project.

Recommendation: if you think that the brown color is very intense or dark, you can choose a beige palette or, failing that, a pastel color .

brown color palette
brown color palette
Coffee Brown Color Palette
coffee color
Cinnamon Brown Color Palette
Cinnamon Brown Color Palette
Chestnut Brown Color Palette
Chestnut Brown Color Palette
Chocolate Brown Color Palette
Chocolate Brown Color Palette
pastel brown
pastel brown
sepia color palette
sepia color palette
taupe color palette
taupe color palette
nude color palette
nude color palette

Ideas to combine the color brown

This color is very versatile and can be mixed with different types and shades of colors, it combines very well with both light and dark tones , although it usually generates better contrasts if combined with pastel or light tones.

brown and yellow color
brown and yellow color
Brown and beige color palette
brown and cream
brown and white color
brown and white color
brown and gray color
brown and gray color
brown and black color
brown and black color
Brown and Red Color Palette
brown and red
brown and green color
brown and green color