HTML color codes for salmon - hexadecimal + RGB

Discover all HTML codes for the color salmon - hexadecimal, rgb, hsl, hsv, and cmyk, as well as different combinations, schemes, temperatures, hues, and types of salmon color.


códigos del color salmon

Complementary color of salmon:

The complementary color of a color is the opposite of it on the color wheel (chromatic circle)


Monochromatic scheme of the color salmon


This scheme is based on the color salmon and is composed of different hues, tones, and shades, both dark and light.

HTML and CSS codes for the color salmon

cmykcmyk(0, 49, 55, 2)
hsvhsv(7, 55%, 99%)

What is the salmon color in RGB format?

The salmon color in RGB format is composed of (250 in the red channel), (128 in the green channel), and (114 in the blue channel).

What is the salmon color in CMYK format?

It is composed of (0%) cyan, (49%) magenta, (55%) yellow, and (2%) black / key.

What is the composition of the salmon color in HSL?

It is composed of (7°) hue, (94%) saturation, and (72%) lightness.

What is the salmon color in HSV format?

The salmon color in HSV format is composed of (7°) hue, (55%) saturation, and (99%) value.

Analogous scheme of the color salmon

Analogous colors are obtained from the two closest colors within the color wheel.


Triadic scheme of the color salmon

The triadic scheme is obtained from 3 colors equally spaced from each other within the color wheel


Tetradic scheme of the color salmon

This color scheme is obtained by using two pairs of opposing colors on the color wheel in a rectangular shape.


Split complementary scheme of the color salmon

This color scheme is obtained by using two pairs of opposing colors on the color wheel in a rectangular shape.


Tints of the color salmon

Tints are obtained from the base color salmon up to reaching white, finding in between shades of pastel colors.


Shades of the color salmon

These shades are obtained from the base color salmon up to reaching black.


Check the contrast of the color salmon.

You can now validate the contrast relationship of the color salmon, whether using it as a background color or as a text color.

Change the text color.
Contrast ratio: 2.50

Contrast ratio test of the color salmon as a background

Change the background color
Contrast ratio: 6.24

Contrast ratio test of the color salmon as text.

How to implement the color salmon in HTML and CSS

Here are examples of code to use the salmon on your web page. Remember that you can implement the color in HTML using color codes such as hexadecimal, RGB, or HSL, and also directly with the color name written in English (as long as it is natively supported by HTML).

Background color salmon in HTML - CSS.

To set the background color, you can use inline styles or apply them in a CSS stylesheet

<div style="background:#fa8072;"> Color salmon as the background of a div.</div>
/* Color salmon as the background of the body tag with CSS. */
body {
background: #fa8072;

To set the text color salmon in HTML - CSS.

To set the text color, you can use inline styles or apply them in a CSS stylesheet.

<p style="color:#fa8072;"> Color salmon as the text color.</p>
p {
color:#fa8072 ;